
Volunteer with Us! Now Accepting Applications for Spring 2017

We are recruiting volunteer full-spectrum doulas to become part of the Doula Project! People who are passionate, caring, and committed are encouraged to apply. Any experience in doula work, reproductive health, rights and justice work, abortion counseling, health service, or personal experiences can be helpful, but isn’t necessary. Many of our best doulas have had no professional experience, but a dedicated attitude and a desire to learn more and be a part of the Doula Project. We strongly encourage people of color, people with dis/abilities, trans or genderqueer identified folks (especially transfeminine folks), queer-identified folks, people born outside the USA, Spanish speakers, people living with HIV/AIDS, and people of faith to apply. People with flexible/free weekdays are ideal. We are accepting applications until midnight on February 13, 2017. The mandatory training for new volunteers will be on April 21 (5:30-9 pm), April 22 (9-5 pm), and April 23 (9-5 pm). Applicat...
Dear friends and supporters, We are so thrilled to announce the pre-sale campaign for our new Zine, DIY Doula: Self-Care Before, During, & After Your Abortion . DIY Doula: Self-Care for Before, During, & After Your Abortion is a new zine created by The Doula Project’s full-spectrum doulas, doula leadership, board members, and alumni doulas who have volunteered supporting people through their procedures in clinics and hospitals across NYC. Our goal for this 48-page Zine is to be “long-distance doulas” to our readers who might not have access to a doula in their communities. While we may not be able to hold their hands during their procedures, through comics, drawings, personal essays, games and more we’re tackling some of the tough questions, affirming that people can trust their decisions, modeling how to ask for support, and giving tips on self-advocacy. The Zine also acts as a huge, diverse toolbox that gives some more practical advice and answers FAQs that we often fin...

Volunteer with The Doula Project!

We are recruiting volunteer full-spectrum doulas to become part of the Doula Project this summer! People who are passionate, caring, and committed are encouraged to apply. Any experience in doula work, reproductive health, rights and justice work, abortion counseling, health service, or personal experiences can be helpful, but isn’t necessary. Many of our best doulas have had no professional experience, but a dedicated attitude and a desire to learn more and be a part of the Doula Project. We strongly encourage people of color, people with dis/abilities, trans* or genderqueer identified folks (especially transfeminine folks), queer-identified folks, people born outside the USA, Spanish speakers, people living with HIV/AIDS, and people of faith to apply. People with flexible/free weekdays are ideal. We are accepting applications until midnight on May 13th, 2016. The mandatory training for new volunteers will be on June 24 (6-9 pm), June 25 (9 am-5 pm), and June 26 (9 am-5 pm). Fu...

Intern with the Doula Project!

Doula Project Internship Description Organization's Mission: The Doula Project is an NYC-based organization that provides free compassionate care and emotional, physical, and informational support to people across the spectrum of pregnancy. We work to create a society in which all pregnant people have access to the care and support they need during their pregnancies and the ability to make healthy decisions for themselves, whether they face birth, miscarriage, stillbirth, fetal anomaly, or abortion. The Doula Project has local and national programming. Locally, we organize and train volunteers on the doula model of care in abortion clinics. We place our trained doulas in clinics that we partner with and manage the relationship between the two. We also partner with an adoption agency and birth centers in NYC to provide free birth doula support to their clients. We organize monthly meetings for our doulas, which include skills-based trainings and a chance to talk about their e...

Fall Spectrum of Choice Fundraising Campaign

Dear Supporters, In 2007, The Doula Project created a model of care that seeks to advance a new vision of holistic pregnancy support: a doula for all reproductive choices. Since that time, our organization has grown from two to more than 75 volunteer doulas. These doulas have provided compassionate, respectful support to more than 30,000 pregnant people in NYC, and operate under the guiding principle that all people deserve compassion, care, and support, whether they choose abortion, adoption, or to raise their child. Fall Spectrum of Choice Fundraiser Join us for the Launch Party Tuesday, November 17th, 6-9p Parkside Lounge  317 East Houston, NYC RSVP Fall Spectrum of Choice Our fall online fundraising campaign honors the decisions people make in their reproductive lives. Our fall campaign features our wish list representing crucial services that The Doula Project provides to our clients and needed support for the organization. Please consider supporting The...

Please Join Us On June 3!

Join us on June 3rd at 7:00 pm at the Bell House in Brooklyn for Pregnant Pause: A Variety Show about Pop Culture and Pregnancy. Doors and Silent Auction open at 6:30pm. All proceeds benefit the Doula Project! Come explore where pop culture intersects with being pregnant. Our performers will deconstruct depictions of pregnancy and choices people make in film, television, stand-up, & more! This show has something for everyone: horror, drama, comedy, and romance, all brought to you in variety show fashion by your hosts Bonnie & Maude. *Special Guest Gillian Robespierre will discuss her groundbreaking film Obvious Child. *Pop Presentations will delve into monstrous birth, celebrity bumps, and dancing dirty. *Dance performances, poetry readings, and stand-up comedy will creatively expand the way you look at pregnancy and choice. *With Drink Specials and Silent Auction. *Sponsored by The Feminist Press and Choices in Childbirth. *Photos by Seze Devres. Join us...