Meet Our Doulas: Melissa Madera
At The Doula Project, we're lucky to work with a fabulous roster of incredible volunteer full-spectrum doulas, and we'll periodically share their work with you here on our blog. First up: an extraordinary project launched by doula Melissa Madera. Melissa is the creator of the Abortion Diary Podcast , an ongoing project that records people telling stories about their abortion experiences. We'll be cross-posting new podcasts here on the Doula Project's blog; you can find previous podcasts at The Abortion Diary Podcast site and find out more via the hashtags #TellYourStoryTuesday and #TYST. Below, Melissa explains the origins of the podcast. Sharing Our Stories: The Abortion Diary Podcast This blogpost is a shortened and modified version of a blogpost posted on The Abortion Diary’s blog . I launched The Abortion Diary Podcast in November 2013, a few months after the idea first entered my mind. Last summer, I felt a very strong need to connect to people with thi...