
Showing posts from September, 2009

The Doula Project's First Fundraiser

What do doulas have in common with watermelons? The first-ever, watermelon-themed Activist Olympics organized by The Doula Project! On September 19, 2009, 25 determined athletes walked onto McCarren Park's baseball diamond in Brooklyn, NY ready to throw, hand-off, and roll around in the dirt with their very own watermelons, all in the name of supporting The Doula Project. Six teams fought for the ultimate prize, a shining gold trophy, and they did so stylishly and with much team spirit. Teams of 4 people each competed in relay-style events such as the classic 'watermelon toss,' 'the watermelon run,' and a Doula Project original 'the watermelon squat.' Competition was surprisingly fierce, full of heckling, attempted sabotage, and mock confrontations with judges. After 2 hours of fun, sun, and watermelons, we declared an official winner, Team Cats the Musical. Following the Olympics we went to K&M Bar to meet up with other Doula Project supporters and toas...