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Volunteer with The Doula Project!

We are recruiting volunteer full-spectrum doulas to become part of the Doula Project this summer!
People who are passionate, caring, and committed are encouraged to apply. Any experience in doula work, reproductive health, rights and justice work, abortion counseling, health service, or personal experiences can be helpful, but isn’t necessary. Many of our best doulas have had no professional experience, but a dedicated attitude and a desire to learn more and be a part of the Doula Project.
We strongly encourage people of color, people with dis/abilities, trans* or genderqueer identified folks (especially transfeminine folks), queer-identified folks, people born outside the USA, Spanish speakers, people living with HIV/AIDS, and people of faith to apply. People with flexible/free weekdays are ideal.
We are accepting applications until midnight on May 13th, 2016. The mandatory training for new volunteers will be on June 24 (6-9 pm), June 25 (9 am-5 pm), and June 26 (9 am-5 pm). Full application is here! Please submit completed applications to apply[at]

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